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Workshop Content

Poor Vs Broke

“Broke is temporary and Poor is eternal” Robert Kiyosaki Let’s Get Started-Now! training instills in participants that their current financial situation is not permanent, and they should view it as short term and with education and discipline they can dramatically change their life for the better.

Creating a Culture of Savings

The workshops are designed to inspire attendees to create their specific vision for the future and what a good life would look and feel like. The class content will focus on the importance of establishing short- and long-term goals for achieving desired milestones along life’s journey.

Appreciation Vs Depreciation

Workshops educate and challenge participants to make conscious well thought out decisions when making large purchases. In fact, only 15% of all buying decisions are conscious choices.

Growing Your Money

The workshop curriculum educates participants on the power of compounding and provides examples on how it works and how they can leverage this process to grow their money by saving and investing. Participants are encouraged to seek professional advice on investing from a licensed financial advisor.

The Power of Compounding

Also known as compound interest, is the ability of an investment to earn interest on its principal in addition to interest it has already earned over time. This process can help wealth increase gradually over time, even with small investments. Workshop participants learn the power of reinvested earnings in generating gains.

Budgeting for $uccess

Building an effective budget and developing the behaviors to execute it is the foundation for saving and creating wealth. Workshop attendees participate in interactive group exercises focused on creating an emergency and general savings account. These budget exercises capture real-life situations that participants can relate to when creating their own budget.

The Importance of Maintaining a Good FICO Score

The workshop educates participants on the fundamentals that create your FICO score and provides in-depth information on how lenders make dispositions on consumer credit applications. In addition to providing information on how to dispute erroneous information on credit reports.

One on One Coaching

Participants will have the opportunity to sign-up for one-on-one coaching sessions to help them through the goal setting process. They will also create a customized plan that they will own that will be their roadmap to reach their desired milestones.

Join our Learning Community!

Let’s Get Started-Now! invites you to join our journey to create the next generation of fiscally responsible adults that will prioritize savings through effective budgeting. In addition to building an excellent credit score.

At Let’s Get Started-Now! Our calling is to uplift residents in underserved communities to become the best version of themselves by increasing their knowledge of financial literacy. Please schedule a 30-minute consultation through the “Calendly” form provided on this site to learn more about how we can help your organization reach its goals and help your clients reach their dreams. Let’s Get Started-Now!